Friday, October 21, 2011

This blog is copyright of
Jen Howard
Nature Works Photography
Copies are for sale in PDF hardcopy. The focus of my work is to educate people of all ages. Please contact me if you would like a copy.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Merlin Family 2011

The next few section are of our merlin family that I followed in Barrie, Ontario. It was a real experience that you will follow with me in the pages of this blog. A small falcon that truely stole my heart during this monitoring. The dedication to their young. The young seeing them from little balls of fluff on my first sighting to the first flight and first catch.The way they grew so fast and the way the whole family was dedicated to each other from day one. At first people in the neighborhood hated these birds of prey for taking away their little songbirds. But when I introduced the merlin family to these people and they saw the young for the first time. How the parents worked so hard to care for these little beauties. Their way of thinking came around. And they became very much involved with this family as it grew right to the end when they took to the skies to go south together. I had daily visitors,made new friends and had some great comments on my work. But the best friends I made were the merlins themselves. It was awesome. They taught me and I taught others. I love watching our wildlife friends raising their families. It is a truely touching experience and one that we all can learn from and realize what hard and loving work it is for the adults. Hopefully this family will come back next year to raise another family in this same nest. And if they do. They will be welcomed by all! The first few sections are random photos taken during this time of monitoring this nest. It will then get into the day to day journal of this merlin families adventures. Take note of how the youngs plumage changed so quickly. We think our kids grow up fast. Enjoy.

May 7th to July 27th,2011.

First hatched merlin eyas first flight for food. Success. !!!

May 7th to July 27th,2011.

Momma merlin

young merlin (eyas) at rest.

Young eyas in flight.

Young in flight.

May 7th to July 27th,2011.

Try to find the young merlin in the tree. Like it was hiding.

Young in the nest and one practicing it's liftoff.

Incoming mom with food.

Male merlin on May 7th in the pine tree in front of Mary's. Our first encounter with this beautiful merlin pair.

May 7th to July 27th,2011.

All 4 babes out of the nest.

Young merlin manteling and eating it's food. Manteling is when they cup their wings around the food to protect it from being taken. Owls also do this after a catch.

Mom giving food to one of her young eyas.

Mom plucking a songbird to feed to her young.

May 7th,2011

I decided to go to the farmers market this morning with Fran. As we were walking through I overheard a conversation. I am not one to butt in. But what I heard made me very curious. This lady thought she had a pair of peregrin falcons. Turns out Fran knew her and we got talking. I was more than willing to go check it out for her and she was more than willing to have me go. So we made arrangments to go over. On arrival at her home,she showed me a nest up in a pine tree right out in front of her home. And then like right on key,the bird showed up. It was a female merlin. A small falcon. Shortly after that her mate showed up as well. So what she had was a beautiful pair of merlins. She was thrilled to know what they were. And I was thrilled as well. I asked permission to monitor the nest. And she was more than happy to grant it to me. As we were there the pair really put on a show for us. They sat and preened themselves on the trees in her back yard. They flew around calling to each other. Then the male flew into the front tree and came out with a little bird it had stashed for later eating. It flew out and went to a back tree and had it's prize. From that I found out that merlins actually do stash their food for later like the northern shrikes. This is clearly not a good place for a nest for these birds. Right on the sidewalk of a fairly busy street. She thought they had pushed out a pair of crows from this nest. At any rate. We will see what happens. The following is the story of this merlin pair. I put over 30 hours into watching this nest. I met many local people who were totally amazed at this pair nesting in their backyard so to speak. And I learned a lot myself as to how this species raises their beautiful young eyas. My good friend Fran assisted me many days with the monitoring. Something she had never done before but enjoyed it immensly. And we might say got hooked on. I met many people and I answered a lot of good questions. It was a wonderful experience. I can't say I have ever monitoed a nest such as this in a neighborhood such as this. But it was a good experience for us all. A successful nest with 4 new lives that survived and migrated to their wintering grounds. Maybe they will be back next year and will raise yet another wonderful family of little eyas. We wish them well.
My photos were taken with a Sony A 700 DSLR camera and a 150-500 mm zoom lens on a tripod with a remote control to limit movement.

May 20th

I went by Mary's to see if the merlins were still in front of her house in the nest. But I was informed that they had moved. She had not heard them for a couple weeks. While getting into my car however I did here the pair calling to each other. Sounds like a couple streets over maybe.

May 27th

Mary called Fran today to let her know the merlins have got a new nest site. The nest is higher and visible but safe.


Went to the nest site today and the female was sitting on the nest on the top of a beautiful white pine.Confirmed sitting on eggs.

June 9th

Arrived at 12:15pm

Fran called with an update on merlins. I was unable to go up there. A very bad storm with a lot of high winds,lightening and thunder,hale and terrential rains went through last night. A few branches on the grounds around the nest tree. But no sign of broken eggs or young or anything like that. Male was there calling out and he brought something to the nest she said. Both male and female went out for a fly as well. Did not go far. Female went right back to nest and male chased away the crows that were getting to close for comfort. The male was right on them. Female went back to the nest and walked onto the nest and settled down on it.I would say it is getting close to hatching time for those eggs with this behavior.

A little info on the merlins.

They lay 4-6 beigh with brown spotted eggs every 2-3 days until completed. Eggs hatch out every 2-3 days in order of laying after 28-30 days incubation. They get their fluids from the prey they eat's blood and fluids. And they pant in order to cool themselves in the heat of the day.

June 14th

Arrived at 3pm

Fran and Kim were with me for a bit today. Male had been at the nest and was calling as he flew by. Female was moving around a lot and standing on the side of the nest,then settled into it. She seemed to be doing something with her beak. Possibly eggs are hatching and she is moving them around or time is getting close. The lady from across the street came and told me that a lot had been going on around the nest. Chasing away the crows, a lot of calling out and a lot of movement by the female. Male feeding her a lot,etc. Very unsettled.

June 22nd.

Arrived at 5pm

Female can barely be seen on the nest. Her tail is sticking out the side of the nest just enough to be seen with binoculars. Is clouding over now and rain is in the forcast. Male was not seen.

July 8th

Arrival 9am

17 days later.

Mom is preening herself in the tree nearby. Is not bothered by my presence. I am quiet and do not move around alot. She is not far from the nest. Then we see the movement in the nest. At least 2 nestlings in there. And they looked to be nuzzling each other. And one was perched on the edge enough to see it looking down at Fran & I once in a while. Just a little grey/white fluff ball. Adorable. Not sure if male is in the nest,I rather think not. The young have a good wing span on them and are starting to try and preen themselves which was very cute.They are a little on the wobbly side. They look very hot and are panting in the heat. At this moment the nest is partially in the shade. It must get very hot up there.

July 12th

Arrived at 8:00am

On arrival we could see the nestlings and there appears to be 3. Pin feathers are coming into tail and wings. Wing span is actually very large. A beautiful day on the way with a nice cool breeze much needed on these super hot days. The tree is rocking the babes in the nest and the parents at this time are not seen. But as always are usually close by to their little ones. Then one flew out from behind us. Flew around for a bit before dissappearing. The young are already panting from the heat. The nest is full of buzzing flies from the food sitting there. Have another workshop on turtles this time to go to in Torrence Barrons put on by Muskoka Herritage Foundation. So have to leave by 10. We saw the mother come in and perch on a branch nearby before we left.


Stopped by on the way back from the workshop. Throughout the evening the young were active on & off. Preening,stretching wings etc. Male was in the tree on the other side. Female was closer in another tree. Male did a short flight around and all the blue jays scattered and became silent. Female took off to chase away the crows that were to near her nest and young. As the night went on between 7-8 the young became more active. Lighting was of coarse very bad for shooting. Met a lot of interesting people however. This is a very popular pair in this neighborhood.

The couple who owns the house next to the park and the lady across the street came to see what we were doing. And were very interested. Apparently the merlins have breakfast with the neighbours next to the park every morning. As they put it. It snows feathers as they sit outside in the tree and pluck the little birds they eat. Then they drop the carcas onto their deck for them to find when they go outside. Very nice and interested people who are coping very well with their new neighbours. The wee ones are growing quickly. We are seeing 3 in the nest now.

July 13th

Arrived at 6:50am

Sprinklers were on in the park. And not alot of action this morning at the nest. 8:10. Parents did arrive with food and did the food exchange in flight. Seems to be the way. They had a good feast. I took videos today and not many still shots. Did not stay long today 9am headed out for the day.

July 16th

Arrival time 8:00am

All 3 young are easy to see now. Adult arrived with what looked like a baby starling at 8:50. She stood on a branch on the tree just beside us. Was extremely vocal coming in. She sat there for some time and plucked the little bird to ready it for her young. It was basically snowing feathers. Then she took the bird to her nest of hungry young. She stayed only a few minuets. And left. Male was also close by for a few minutes. You could clearly hear the 2 of them up the street. An hour later I heard them again. But still the female was the one who brought the food. Almost like she is the boss and he is just standing by and of coarse doing most of the hunting. She went to the nest tree this time and again was very vocal. Another baby starling. Took a little longer this time to pluck. She plucked some of the little bird and ate some herself. Plucked some more and flew to the nest to feed her young.


She repeated this again. This time flying over to the back of the nest tree. Was not there long. Flew to the nest and then off and was gone again. The young are getting very active. One just about lost it's balance and I thought it was going to fall out of the nest . A lot of people are really taking an interest in the nest of babes and have never seen anything like it before. They are being well watched by the local people.

July 16th

Mom coming in with a prize.Young are really getting big as you can see. They are close to branching now I think. Sitting right on the edge.

July 18th

Arrival time was 8:50am

We had some extremely high winds last night and I was worried about the nest. It went through at 4 am. But all seemed okay.

And then there were four!


Mother came in at 9:20 and just dropped a bird in the nest. All 3 eyas were accounted for and okay. Thankfully. Boy have they changed. Every day is another day of change for them. Fluff is dissappearing quickly. They preen and all you see is little white fluffs floating away from the nest tree. So magical. I noticed a bumble bee buzzing around the nest. One of the little eyas head was going from side to side and up and down following this bee. Incredible. Food arrived again to be dropped in by mother merlin. Looks like babes have to pluck it themselves this time. Unless she did that elsewhere. I didn't see her do it this time like usual. Then a lovely surprise.


What is this. # 4. We have not 3 but 4 baby eyas in that merlin nest. Oh how wonderful. Then Mom verbally flew over them. She is never far.


One nestling is on an outside branch. And is really hopping around. The house next door's dog Penny came to visit us. What a sweetheart she is. Momma merlin has been flying around vocalizing now for a while. Sun is out full force and the winds are blowing those babes in the tree top ever so gently. They are quiet.


Male arrives with food for female to get. She was in the tree this time and he gently flew by her and she grabbed it from his talons. He never landed. Very small parcel of food this time. I think the male must of had some first and then brought it to the female. This was her meal. Then she flew off. One young was very active in the nest. Branching,flapping around and looking like lift off was not far away.


Another meal arrives from Mom. She took it to the nest and appears she is teaching the young to pluck their own meals now.


One eyas is right out of the nest now. Just a bit.


Seems to be quiet time again. One still in the tree next to the nest. A bit of flapping & stretching. No parents heard for a bit now. Left at 11:00. All is quiet. 2 birds are outside the nest just a wee bit. Looks like 2 little males. Feathers are bluish.

July 19th

Arrival time today 8:40am

Mom just flew out when I arrived. Babies pretty quiet. A lot of preening of those downy feathers. Getting rid of those and the adult plumage is coming in very nicely and quickly too. Doing a lot of branching. This is were the young are now moving to the edge of the nest and actually hopping out onto the branches around the immediate nest. Mom flew in but without food. She went to the big pine tree behind the neighbouring house. She had a rest and a lovely preening session. She then all of a sudden started vocalizing and flew up the street. She flushed a crow out of the pine trees up there and chased it off. The crows also have a family nearby. But are not tolertated to be near at all. They are a threat to the young merlins in the nest. The crows wasted no time in moving on however. No match for the speed and aggression of the mother merlin protecting her young.
She then dissappeared. The young were now hopping from branch to branch around the nest,yawning and being very busy. We had some people visit. Had some children today to and they wanted to view the merlins and asked questions. I let them look through the video camera and they were amazed. It was lovely to watch them now that they are getting more mobile. Fran & I had to be in Bracebridge for a bat workshop so we had to go. Was hard to pull ourselves away at this time of great change with the young eyas.


Packing up. We heard both parents up the street. They were in sight. A food exchange in mid air took place between male and female adult.It was spectacular. The young got so exited. One jumping in and out of the nest jumping up and down and actually getting airborn in the nest. Flapping it's wings to beat the band. A lot of excitement we hadn't seen before. Male flew down the street calling out all the way until he was out of sight. The female flew in behind the tree and was vocalizing. And the young were going crazy. Appears the male brings the food and gives it to the female while in flight. It really is a spectacular sight to see. This time female flew over and dropped the food into the nest for the little ones to fight over and left. Not much room in their now for Momma merlin. The young went nuts over this and were so loud and active. Tugging this way and that for who was going to get this tasty morsel.


We had to leave now. But all is quiet again. Not a lot of time taken to devour that little bird between 4 growing youngsters. Parents were still nearby and calling out to one another. Mom always sits in the tree briefly before flying in and dropping off the food in the nest. Is really getting interesting and active. Another hot day on the way with highs of 28 deg C. I feel one of the nestlings will be fledging real soon. Possibly in the next couple days. They all get very active and loud when parent's arrive with food. It is so incredible to be a part of such an experience.

I had to take a picture of the sky that surrounded us this day. Just beautiful.

July 20th,2011.

Arrival time today was at 10am.

This morning I had to take a baby raccoon to a wildlife rehaber I know for care. It had been orphaned and was forced into our back pond by a large adult male last night. Thankfully we heard her loud cries. We had tried to get her earlier with no luck but oh so close. After fishing her out of the pond. She spent the night snuggled into a cage surrounded by water bottles and blankets in our bathtub. She will be fine. So my merlins came a little later than I had planned. But thats okay under the circumstances.
2 babes were out of the nest and on nearby branches to the nest. One is a male and one a female. I am sure all 4 are out of the nest. I hear a call coming from farther away. Apparently 2 fledged after I left yesterday. They were feeding heavily from 3 to 6 last night.And a parent actually brought in a mouse last night. I have only seen them bring in birds to this point myself. So that was interesting to hear. The change in their plumage from yesterday to today is amazing. Very little white fluff left now. They are beautiful.


Very quiet. No adults yet. People across the street have not seen them feeding today yet but she has only been out for an hour.

Have to go for today. Very quiet. No feeding yet. But they may have been fed a lot earlier on before I got here. Have located 3 young and the 4th is in the tree next to the nest tree towards the lake sitting. All is quiet and calm.

Wed. July 20th

Merlin young in the tree and mom arriving with more food on the dead branch nearby. A young eyas landing after a short flight.

Wed. July 20th

More action in the nest.

Thursday, July 21st.

Thursday July 21st,2011.

Arrival time 7:30am.

All but one eyas are gone out of the nest today. Neighbour came over right away. She said after I left yesterday a lot of action took place. Young started to take short flights. She said it was amazing. And oh so loud.


Mom came by and dropped some food at the nest. Everyone is in the nest at this time. And a feeding frenzy takes place. Young are back and forth,calling out,stretching with contentment from nest to branch and back again. Very excited.


One just flew to other part of the tree and is calling out. Very active.


Very quiet now. Can see one bird sitting to the side of the nest but not sure were the other ones are. A few clouds are rolling through and they are actually hard to see at this point. Been quiet for a while now. Have not seen or heard parent birds either.


Very quiet so Fran & I decide to go and get some breakfast.


Back to the park to check on merlin family. Can see 2 young in the nest. One sitting off to the side as usual on the branches by the nest. They seem to be eating again. Can hear a few other birds around,crows,great creasted flycatchers and song sparrows. Had a phobee and gray catbird earlier but they are silent right now or not there.


Now have 2 young eyas out on the branches now. Side by side. But kind of quiet to. I pack up and head off home for the day. Been a good day.

Thursday, July 21st.

A short flight!

Thursday, July 21st.

Lots of activity in the nest today.