Thursday, October 20, 2011

July 12th

Arrived at 8:00am

On arrival we could see the nestlings and there appears to be 3. Pin feathers are coming into tail and wings. Wing span is actually very large. A beautiful day on the way with a nice cool breeze much needed on these super hot days. The tree is rocking the babes in the nest and the parents at this time are not seen. But as always are usually close by to their little ones. Then one flew out from behind us. Flew around for a bit before dissappearing. The young are already panting from the heat. The nest is full of buzzing flies from the food sitting there. Have another workshop on turtles this time to go to in Torrence Barrons put on by Muskoka Herritage Foundation. So have to leave by 10. We saw the mother come in and perch on a branch nearby before we left.


Stopped by on the way back from the workshop. Throughout the evening the young were active on & off. Preening,stretching wings etc. Male was in the tree on the other side. Female was closer in another tree. Male did a short flight around and all the blue jays scattered and became silent. Female took off to chase away the crows that were to near her nest and young. As the night went on between 7-8 the young became more active. Lighting was of coarse very bad for shooting. Met a lot of interesting people however. This is a very popular pair in this neighborhood.

The couple who owns the house next to the park and the lady across the street came to see what we were doing. And were very interested. Apparently the merlins have breakfast with the neighbours next to the park every morning. As they put it. It snows feathers as they sit outside in the tree and pluck the little birds they eat. Then they drop the carcas onto their deck for them to find when they go outside. Very nice and interested people who are coping very well with their new neighbours. The wee ones are growing quickly. We are seeing 3 in the nest now.

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